The Coffee Casinos

Custom box design for SciFi Casino and Breakaway Casino branded coffee
The SciFi Casino Group was looking for a unique incentive to send players and affiliates on an ongoing basis that would increase retention at their casino brands.
At the time there wasn’t much research about who was playing casino games online. In order to find out the best incentive for the customers, we needed to know more about them and determine if there was any general interest with players from every country in the world.
We conducted market research by sending a survey to every player and affiliate in the database, of which there were hundreds of thousands. We asked them about their hobbies, what foods and drinks they enjoyed, the types of movies they watched and other data points in an attempt to find commonality.
After pouring over the data, we started noticing a common theme – Coffee!
At first we were shocked, but then we all realized if was something each of us had in common, also. We all loved a good cup of coffee.
And, we came to this conclusion sitting in our office… in the coffee capitol of the world – Costa Rica!
We immediately started calling coffee companies asking about private label options. I had a personal favorite brand – Cafe Rey – so I asked someone to call them. Bingo! They were interested and even had a printing service that would design a custom box.
We set our designer to work designing a box based on the specs sent to us by the printer and we came up with an incredible design (see the above images of the final box design). We placed an order for 1,000 of each brand, had them shipped to a fulfillment center and began sending them out.
The reaction was incredible. The response from players was immediate. We all imagined them brewing a pot of our Casino Brand Coffee and playing our games while they enjoyed a cup.
It wasn’t long before we were known as the Coffee Casinos. We even brought boxes of coffee to affiliate conferences and gave them away to affiliates. The response was appreciation of a great branding idea.
The key to this branding success was good market research. And a bit of luck, being located in an area with the best coffee in the world.